Discover the revolutionary new system that improves performance and reduces injury in as little as 5 minutes a day

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Watch the Free 4 Part Video Series now and learn the right techniques to improve your performance and reduce injury

Introducing Not Really Yoga

NOT REALLY YOGA is a revolutionary system that teaches the body strong and real life range of motion. Stretching only gets you better at stretching. Imagine finding a system that could prevent over 74% of all gym injuries, whilst improving sporting performance, in less than 15% of the time spent in traditional methods. Stop cherry picking training methods and therapies. NOT REALLY YOGA is the last system that you will need.


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NOT REALLY YOGA was born out of constantly hearing athletes lament on how much time they had wasted cherry picking different solutions to help try and hit their goals, only to finish their event with regret, or even worse, not even make the start.
Having done my own time as an athlete on the end of bad advice, and hearing the constant stream of “I wish I had of seen you sooner,” I combined the clinical therapies and sports science that have helped my athletes, with my previous long background in yoga, to create a revolutionary system that I can deliver to people beyond those that can afford the convenience and expense of seeing me face to face.
Glenn Phipps, B.Ex.Sp.Sci, M.Clin.Ex.Phys, AEP


"As a student of yoga for 20 years and a number of years as a teacher I have been part of many yoga classes. Glenn's Not Really Yoga is unique and provides the often missing link between yoga and exercise off the mat. "

Adam Jones
Yoga teacher and getting better at life

Not Really Yoga

3 core elements

The problem with traditional approaches, is that solutions like massage, yoga, pilates, training, therapy etc, are that none of them synchronise with each other, leaving massive holes, and seeing the body hit the reset button after every timewasting treatment.

NRY is the only integrated system of it's kind on the planet, with the potential to improve performance and reduce injury, in as little as 5 minutes a day.

3 core elements make up this revolutionary system

Core Element 1.

Myofascial Release

We use trailblazing self-myofascial release techniques to specifically target areas of chronic muscle tension.

This isn’t just rolling around on stuff without meaning-we use balls to target stuff with purpose, so that we can reinforce our release work throughout the program, and capitalise on the work the ball has done.

Core Element 2.

Controlled Joint Movements

We apply full range joint control to teach the body to control and improve full ranges of joint motion.

This is more than the arm circles you did in 8th grade PE. Learn to allow your joints to regain not only full range of movement, but control.

Core Element 3.

Active Stretching/Strengthening

We teach active stretching and exercises that don't just feel good for your body but actually teach your brain to control and keep your improved range of motion and movement patterns.

Our neuromuscular techniques quickly improve range of motion, and teach the body to learn how to keep and control the new and improved range of movement.

Some of the elite athletes and weekend warriors using our systems

""Glenn is the kind of guy who's knowledge is only surpassed by his excitement for helping others. This is a great resource for anyone looking to improve their performance and health.""

Ryan Atkins
OCR World Champion

"Since working with Glenn, I feel more confident I’m on track with my training which gives me confidence come race day, even with a bulging disc in my back Glenn has helped me manage. I’m truly grateful to have him on my team "

Terrene Black
Sup World Champion

"Glenn’s knowledge and expertise is first class and would benefit anyone from a professional to a weekend warrior"

Jon Albon
Jon Albon, Spartan Race World Champ and skyrunning dominator

"During the last 5 years the number of niggling injuries and muscle tightness has continued to increase as I become older. Since first seeing Glenn six months ago, these injuries have almost subsided due to his guidance and expertise. "

Paul Lemmon
Paul Lemmon, multiple swimming world record holder and Ironman

"I had previously enjoyed yoga, however, found the aspect of meditation and relaxation wasn’t what I always needed and I felt like Glenn’s principles and practices were what was required. Even prior to having completed the 6 week sessions I was already noticing benefits. Slight niggles and discomforts were dissipating and I found my sitting tolerance which was once limited to 10-15mins was increasing to the point where I could sit and study for extended periods near an hour. "

Louise O'Neil, Exercise Physiologist
Job Title

"After two lots of spinal surgery in 2 years I am achieving PB’s Unbelievable!"

Geeb Smith
Geeb Smith, Builder, Yukon River Quest Winner

"Glenn has helped to keep me injury free and and at my strongest."

Janet Smith
Australia's Number 1 Female Obstacle Racer, Ninja Warrior

"I have been seeing Glenn Phipps, an Exercise Physiologist and movement specialist. I have been around the block and this guy is most likely the smartest guy I have come across. If you have a serious goal coming up, and you want to get there injury free and in the best shape possible for that specific event, you need Glenn's help"

Matt Murphy
Australia's No.1 Obstacle racer, nationally ranked triathlete

What I have built in this program is the result of over 2 decades of development. Built on 20 years of yoga practice, and over a decade of teaching it, academic research and qualifications, and solid trial and error, NOT REALLY YOGA draws on the same techniques and philosophies that I have used to get great athletes performing better and even grannies getting their stride back.


Click here to watch our 4 part video series

 In the next 4 videos you will learn

  • How you are harming your performance and increasing injury risk through outdated practices
  • How to make simple tweaks to your stretching to make it last and improve performance and prevent injury
  • 3 strategies to include in your mobility sessions to ensure the best results
  • How the way you are using a massage ball may be making things worse, and how to use it properly

"What Glenn is offering is ridiculous. It's like having the best yoga teacher, therapist and trainer not only providing awesome programs, but on call to answer my endless questions...except cheaper! I feel like I should keep it a secret"

Emma D.
Mum, Stand Up Paddle athlete and surfer

I’ve helped hundreds of athletes and weekend warriors alike, improve performance, minimise injury, achieve goals and PB’s in given sports, including;

...........and many many more people, from elite athletes to Weekend Warriors.

Would you like to be the next success story?

Don't start pursuing your next goal knowing there is a chance of winding up regretting you could have done better.

Click below to watch the 4 part series where you will not only learn how to use these revolutionary techniques, but realise what not to do to avoid costly mistakes. 


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